Monday, March 30, 2009


I KNEW it! It was a wonderful day:) Started out with a good hair day - that always determines the rest of the day. LOL! Went to school. March is Dr. Seuss' birthday so we celebrated with green eggs and ham - YUM. Everyone got a big kick out of that. Came home, made lunch, ate, got Austin off to art class for an hour, ran errands like a mad woman during that hour. Picked Austin up, came home, and found I had AN AWESOME package waiting from my secret bunny!!!! Did some laundry, made a cheesecake for a friend, picked up Brook, she presented me with her new Spring school pictures - I SMELL A PAGE COMING ON:) Took her to gymnastics, picked her up, took her to ballet, made dinner, picked her up, ate dinner, played outside, went to the track and put in a couple of miles and 10 sets of bleachers. Now everyone is bathed and in bed and I'm off to watch a movie with hubby. Phew! Goodnight.

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