Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday's Challenge 9-22-09

Hi friend:) Today I challenge you to find the good in your situation. Yesterday I was totally bummed because I was so busy, I only got to see my kids for 35 minutes all day:( I felt down about it and like I had pushed my kids aside while I took over other responsibilities. That isn't true. Sometimes life gets in the way and we have to find the good in a hard situation.
1. My kids got some much needed Daddy time.
2. My kids know they are loved.
3. I was able to be there for others who needed me.
I challenge you to count it all joy today. Whenever something negative comes your way, stop and find something good in the situation.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday's Challenge 9-15-09

Hello friend! It's time for another Tuesday Challenge:) This week I challenge you to add an encouraging quote to your blog. It can be anything from anywhere, just something that is positive! Let me know what you find!
Here is mine: From the Bible, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday's Challenge 9-8-09

Today my little guy is home from school...11 days into Kindergarten and he has an ear infection. How often do we take for granted our health and that of our loved ones? Today, join me in taking a moment to count your blessings. Of course we could never count them all, but take time to be thankful for the "little" things, the things we just assume will always be - those are usually the greatest blessings of all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Memorable Seasons

is our September sponsor at HYWWP. I LOVE this kit Memorable Seasons sent! It's sooo girly and fun:) I also used a sketch from 52 sketches as inspiration for this layout. I still have tons left in my kit so I am off of the computer and back in my scrap room:)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Little Bean Embroidery

This company sponsored our design team at HYWWP for August. You have GOT to check out this site: http://www.littlebeanembroidery.com/. She has some of the CUTEST stuff! She's very talented and can do just about anything. Please check out her link when you get a chance!! She gave us these adorable stamps which I used for this card.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New sketch!

Here's a new sketch for you:) I want feedback!! Let me know what you think;)

Tuesday's Challenge 9-1-09

Hello friends! It's already Tuesday again:) If time flew by any faster, I would need a jet pack to try to keep up! This week I challenge you to provide a meal for someone. This can be taking your elderly neighbor a plate of spaghetti (afterall, you have to make it in bulk anyway!) or have a pizza sent to a friend, whatever you choose will surely be a blessing. The point of this mission is to feed someone's tummy and you feed their soul. I am making chicken spaghetti tonight and sending over enough for a busy mama of three. Share your journey with me!